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$45 per hour

𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐓𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐯𝐢𝐚 𝐙𝐎𝐎𝐌 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞. Hi, I am a recent graduate of Bachelor of Science at the U...


$25 per hour

Awesome tutor || Homework helper || Cramming expert || PhD scholarship holder ** Learning is a...


$40 per hour

Hi 👋 I'm a Unimelb grad with a BSc in Computing and an MEng in Software. My most recent professiona...


$60 per hour

Hello, my name is Tae-gyu, a software engineer at Nine with 3 years of professional development expe...


$50 per hour

Hey there! I'm a software engineer with 4yrs professional experience, looking to help undergrads....


Absolutely horrid subject. Firstly, I'd like to express the utter uselessness of the lectures. It serves zero purpose and is basically a LinkedIn Tech session. Secondly, we would've absolutely lived better without the tutor that we were dealt with, because our tutor/supervisor was apparently the least responsive, 5-business-day to respond to anything kind of supervisor. So when we actually need to rely on them, nothing gets done. They proposed a lot of changes and liked to be very ambitious. But then they're so extremely aloof, and whenever you needed them, they're gone. It should probably be emphasized that most of the time when asked, it is their direct responsibility (like purchasing servers and whatnot), which they outright admitted and promised they'd do it. But then what you got was their disappearance for 4 whole days at minimum (I kid you not, an urgent matter was only responded to after a whole week; and there were times when things got brought up early, but became rushed because the tutor just seemed like they've forgotten about it and oh no it's already near end of sprint). Sometimes they'd ask something and not respond after couple of days. And then they said it's to "reflect irl scenarios" but I doubt any product manager (I'd say that's about the equivalent of the supervisor roles irl) is this bad in scheduling. I worked for 4 different companies thus far already, so at the very least, I guess I was just fortunate enough to have never had to work for a higher-up this ambitious and equally irresponsible. It's a mix no one would want to deal with. In short, the subject has the worst management out of any subject (in my experience, about twice worse than the notorious SWEN), which is ironic for something that evangelizes management this hard. Kinda cool project though, but I'd prefer to do it alone with my team next time. (To the guy below, no you're not seething. Every 3rd year UniMelb computing subjects and most 2nd year ones deserve a 1/10. This uni isn't particularly bright when it comes to CS, so yeah you should go to a more well-regarded CS uni like Monash or UNSW or whatever.)

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023

Got lucky with a good tutor, and a great team but mannnn why the f*ck did we have to make a content management system in 2021. Very boring. There should be a lot more freedom on what projects you can make. Also if you get placed in a bad team its not looking good, so be proactive in picking one. (This should be a SWEN subject, it has nothing to do with CS and I wish they would split the two majors up so kids who like CS don't have to do the shitty SWEN subjects ... but maybe Im just seething and should have gone to Monash )

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

This could've been a great subject that teaches you industry practices etc but. Worst tutor ever, feels like he can't stop saying things that contradicts himself or giving us false/misleading informations every 2 weeks. He is a true disgrace for this uni and the clumsy management of the subject coordinator doesn't help either. Without my great teammate this sem I would surely die.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021