Principles Of Chemical Biology
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☑︎ GAMSAT overall percentile: 𝟵𝟵𝘁𝗵 ☑︎ Section III 'percentile': 𝟵𝟵.𝟵𝘁𝗵 ☑︎ Achieved 𝗛𝟭 in all s...
Result- 55 Pass. A decent subject which complements CHEM20018 & biochemistry subjects (BCMB20002 & aspects of BIOM20001) reasonably well. Professor Spencer Williams walks through biological information retrieval for the first three weeks. Professor Megan Maher lectures on proteins & Intracellular protein structures with an emphasis on membrane bound proteins. James Hutchinson lectures on photochemistry and it's applications to bioluminescent chemistry. Finally, Gavin Reid lectures on bioanalytical techniques. Don't underestimate the final three weeks as there is a heck of detail required for the final exam, which I unfortunately was unable to finish recently. If you've already done physics, the photochemistry section will be reasonable, otherwise it will be challenging. Both Spencer & Megan have topics that overlap with BCMB20002 or BIOM20001 (in my case) but they don't go into extraordinary detail. Assessment wise, there are four online tests (I did pretty badly with the final two tests), a group assignment & a final exam. It's a decent subject overall. I did prefer CHEM20018 though. A Level 3 chemical biology subject would compliment well with a Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Immunology, Medicinal Chemistry or Pharmacology major.