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BIOL10001 Notes

Complete lecture notes for BIOL10001. Fantastic subject, great lecturers. These notes will save...

81 pages, 32000 words

Biology of Australian Flora & Fauna H1 Notes

Summaries of the entire BIOL10001 course at The University of Melbourne, covering all topics in deta...

70 pages, 11452 words


$30 per hour

Hey, I'm Annelise! I have a Bachelor of Arts with a double major in Philosophy and Politics/Internat...


this subject is so insanely content heavy. not hard to do okay in but not a wam booster. very easy to fall behind with how intense the lectures are - even though its not memorisation heavy. the field trips are super fun!! and the assignments are fun too :) exam isn't actually open book - you get to take in some notes but it has to be in the form of a 'metareflection' and can only be 8 pages. it was fun but a bit intense.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023

Pretty good subject. I personally was not that interested in Australia's Flora or Fauna, and just took it becuase it was rated highly: and no regrets! It was very well run, and lecturers are very passionate about their work! I have a new appreication for plants + animals! The only issue I have with the lectures are with the Marine Biology ones, which are poorly explained and content/memorisation heavy: make sure to supplement those lectures with textbooks/a tutor/youtube videos etc. There are two ILTs, one MST and two exams. MST is very, very fair. ILTs have a fair bit of support (can ask for help on CampusWire, but sometimes I felt they are marked harshly). Exam 1 (MCQ) was very straightforward, but Exam 2 (Short Answer) was quite challenging as I felt that the points they were looking for did not come intuitively to me. To do well in Short Answer basically list ALL the relevant information you can think of about that animal/habitat etc. Tutorials were fun and all the tutors were great and willing to help. We were occasionally joined by the lecturers in the tutes too! But Fair Warning: VERY content heavy subject!!! You'll need to remember minute details, so best dust off some anki cards or print out content and stick them to your wall (that's what I did). Overall, pretty happy with my H1. I think an H1 is achievable, if you keep up with lectures and revise regualarly + study hard for the MSTs and ILTs.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

This subject is super interesting with a lot of of content. However it wasn't my favorite. The assignments are too simple, to the point where you are asked to transcribe information from a PDF to a page of questions. The assessment felt like they were trying to take marks away due to minor wording choices rather than award marks. The exam is fair, but as a science student I felt like this subject was more of a breadth for students of another course looking to learn some biology. Decent subject but a bit surface level.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020

Highly recommend this subject! Staff and lecturers were all very passionate and engaging and provided various resources to help students remember content. Would highly suggest completing this subject if you're interested in animals, plants or evolutionary history. It is a wonderful subject I'd complete it again if i could.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020

Can not recommend this subject enough. All lecturers are very passionate in what they are teaching and that was felt even through Zoom this year. The coordinators were also very helpful and even set up Campuswire to answer any questions we had. They also encouraged us to share photos of Australian flora and fauna which really helped engage us with others during lockdown. The topics include terrestrial and marine flora and fauna as well as examples of conservation efforts to bring it all together. Non-mandatory fortnightly tutorials were available which were quite useful for consolidation, but not always necessary if you are too busy. The MST was a very fair multi-choice quiz while the exam was also a fair test with a mix of different question types and marks. Anyone who's studying biology should do this subject, and it goes along with BIOL10011 really well and can make up for some of that subjects dry content, and the teaching staff is phenomenal!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020

Most of the content is quite interesting and really opens your eyes to Australia's flora and fauna. Most of the lecturers are very passionate about their topics and give great lectures, the last few topics get a bit boring but still important to study them well for the exam. No past paper :( but some lecturers give quizzes to guide your learning. Nothing really difficult like most other science subjects, but definitely need a great memory and good organization to stay on top of lectures. Overall, not easy peasy but definitely an enjoyable subject and great science/breadth option.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018

Amazing subject, especially for an animal geek like me. You basically just spend a semester learning about the natural world around you and it's awesome. Definitely need a decent memory, but its mostly very simple concepts and weird animal facts. Cannot recommend it highly enough.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017

Cannot speak highly enough of this subject. I did it as breadth and found the content fascinating and the lecturers passionate and engaging. Does require a decent memory but it's all very accessible, even from a non-science background. Covering the basics of everything from botany to zoology and ecology to marine biology, this subjects gives you an appreciation of the uniqueness of the Australian landscape and its inhabitants.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

Not sure how this got a 3-star rating. Brilliant subject, touching on basic aspects of botany and zoology at an accessible level of depth, across a wide range of disciplines. Does require some memorisation, but is easy and uncomplicated, and opens up your eyes a little bit to the world around you. Consider doing Plant Biodiversity, Flora of Victoria, Landscapes and Diversity, Australian Wildlife Biology, Blue Planet, Ecology, Animal and/or Green Planet if you enjoyed this subject.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2013

A good memory is essential for this subject, as exam questions can be really in-depth. I found the zoology section to be really interesting.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015