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Overall a very mid-subject. The lectures are split into short 10-20 minute segments covering a different topic, so each week has about 4-5 different topics so it is a decent amount of content but very manageable and easy to understand. The labs are honestly pretty pointless, they are 2 hours long (which is wayy too long in my opinion) and the only point in going was to receive the quiz password (which changes after every lab) and do the quiz at the end of the lab. The tutors in the lab sometimes seemed pretty clueless and unhelpful regarding assignments or course content, but they were nice and tried their best to keep us engaged. The subject coordinator, Andrew was always available through email or consultation if you needed help on assignments or general content. I recommend going to the lab for the first few weeks to secure a good group of people to do the group work project, but after that I started attending on Zoom only just to do the quizzes. The assignments are easy to do but the group one is a bit tedious as it involves collecting a large data set over a prolonged period of time so sometimes group members forget to contribute in this section. But, the assignment grading is pretty good, I got H1s for my individual and group assignment as they were pretty straightforward. The exam is open book and online with there being multiple choice and short answer questions so it is pretty easy to do well in if you just put in a little bit of study. Overall, an okay subject, nothing special.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

I would rate 3.5/5 but the website wouldn't let me. I took this subject as a science elective and found it really easy. I didn't really study for it, the only preparation I've done for the final was going through everything 2 days before it and I got a H1. Lecture content and readings were interesting but practicals were quite unnecessary, as they were long and most people didn't even want to be there and were not really related to the quizzes/exam, but you have to attend them in order to get the password for weekly quizzes. Overall it is an easy elective and if you are not sure what to take and are looking for an easy subject in your first year BSc, ATOC10001 could be the one for you.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

Pretty easy subject, interesting content, but the practicals were boring and unnecessarily long - I wish first year subjects would stop doing zoom group work, its awkward and tedious. You also had to attend these pracs because if you didn't, you would not have the password to be able to do the quizzes. The assessments were easy to do well in and the exam was pretty reasonable, I'm glad it was in a quiz format.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020

I picked this subject because of my love for the environment and fascination with the weather. Although I found the lecture content and readings interesting, some concepts were a little difficult to grasp. The practicals were dull and I felt that the tutors needed to engage more with the class during activities. The assignments were easy to do well in but the exam at the end was difficult. I really wanted to like this subject but came out of it disappointed.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018