Foundations Of Design: Representation
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H1 WAM | 4+ years in arch office in Melb, Adl and Syd | Employed UniMelb tutor | Master of Arch grad...
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Avoid by all means if not a prerequisite for you. For a fair amount of students it'll be their first introduction to like four new softwares and on top of the ridiculous workload it can be extremely overwhelming. From what I've been told the subject has changed for the better in recent times too so i cant even imagine what it was like beforehand. Also the uni skimped out on Adobe so get used to Affinity I guess.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024
The most meaningless series of activities ever devised. Tutor was asked multiple times how any of the content or assignments related to architecture and couldn't give a straight answer, because it doesn't. OK, but seriously: even with three assignments (one less than in previous years), there is so much being introduced for the first time -- Rhino is the main one, but also website building and Adobe Suite. I felt like the most I could do was copy the video instructions exactly, with as little variation as possible, and then make up a bunch of jargon to relate it back to the brief. I didn't even have time to render anything (ViewCaptureToFile is the way to go). To save yourself the mental strain, don't try making sense of the lectures or the rationale for grading one thing over another; just focus on getting something done to tick every box, no matter how insubstantial. If you're crazy, you might enjoy doing this subject voluntarily. Otherwise, settle for something a little more manageable, like water torture.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023
Toughest workload I’ve ever experienced in a subject. Wouldn’t recommend.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022
DON'T do it as a breadth, elective or if you need a WAM booster! Literally unless you have to, don't do this subject. While the tutors are nice and helpful and you'll learn a lot, it's a VERY VERY time-consuming subject. (In some occasions 12 hours of work were expected over the weekend). You have to manage your time EXTREMELY WELL to even get above 70/75 because the subject expectations are so high. Many, many students dropped out of the subject halfway through it was that bad. There are 4 assignments and 1 portfolio, no exam. The thing that broke me during this subject (besides workload) was that I had a Mac. Rhino software is used which is not compatible with a mac AT ALL compared to other computers. My rhino app would constantly crash making the work very difficult. I honestly think its appalling that the subject uses software that isn't compatible with a brand most people have (the tuts will tell you to consider buying a new laptop themselves, I'm not just saying this).
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022
Get to learn a variety of interesting skills. Adobe, Rhino softwares, pin-up presentations. Get to make a folio by the end of it. Interesting content that really gets you into design thinking mode.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019
Great intro to design, pin ups and digital software such as Adobe and Rhino. However, workload was insane. Lectures and readings didn't really relate to what we were doing in studio. Readings were really pretentious tbh. Do not recommend as a breadth at all. However if you are planning to major in architecture, its very beneficial.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019
For those familiar with design concepts and basic techniques this subject can seem a bit useless. However it is a good introduction to how pin ups work and the overall structure of design courses.