Environmental Building Systems
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View all ABPL20036 notesebs exam prep
This note covers the contents from week 1 to 11. Apart from lectures, important tutorial notes and o...
55 pages, 9323 words
Professional quality notes from a high achieving H1 student that will serve as an excellent study AN...
132 pages, 31973 words
ABPL20036 EBS H1 Complete Summary Notes
These notes are a comprehensive summary of ALL lectures, e-learning, readings, key tutorial content,...
43 pages, 23254 words
Environmental Building Systems- H1
This is the reference that I used for the exam, everything throughout the semester has been taken in...
48 pages, 5000 words
Environmental Building Systems Notes
Including all the notes needed for exam (2018) - Table of Contents: W1 - Site Analysis W2 - Resi...
62 pages, 12895 words
EBS Comprehensive Notes
A very comprehensive note for everything covered in EBS (ABPL20036). This note includes: - Lect...
78 pages, 18770 words
EBS revision notes/exam notes
This note covers: RESIDENTIAL -Passive heating/cooling -Material and construction -Services -Ac...
80 pages, 14558 words
Environmental Building System Notes
A comprehensive, thorough and clear set of notes from the lectures, tutes and online learning, with...
135 pages, 30230 words
Environmental Building Systems Notes
Extensive notes covering material from lectures 1-12. Topics include: 1. Subject Overview 2. Resid...
70 pages, 4872 words
ABPL20036 Revison Notes
Summary of all information covered in lectures from week 1-12. The notes cover the following top...
23 pages, 4568 words
Become a tutor for ABPL20036Kelvin
$40 per hour
🌎ONLINE TUTORING AVAILABLE VIA ZOOM🌎 Based in Melbourne $40 (one-on-one sessions) $30 (per p...
$80 per hour
H1 WAM | 4+ years in arch office in Melb, Adl and Syd | Employed UniMelb tutor | Master of Arch grad...
The content is super interesting and relatively easy to understand. The tutors and lecturers are super passionate about the subject and put a lot of effort into content delivery. ..however, The workload for this subject is enormous. You really need to dedicate AT LEAST 15hours/week for lectures, pre-reading and the assignment in order to do well in this subject. The pre-learning component of this subject was useful in terms of content but was unfair in terms of workload. It was an expectation that students read 15+ documents (often repetitive) and sometimes watch 2+ hours worth of YouTube videos in addition to watching the lectures (2hours) /attending the tutorials (2 hours). Very, very, very time-consuming. Sometimes it felt as if the lectures were wasted time because the learning material had already been covered in the pre-reading. The key to success for this class is time management because it's so fast-paced and it's so easy to fall behind in readings/assignment 1. Good luck and brace yourselves
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
Superb subject. Awesome teaching team with positive attitude. Lectures, tutorials and online learning each week had cross over, which really allowed myself to learn the weekly topics. Major assignment was fun, just make sure you stay on top of your work so you can produce something worthwhile. Genuinely not an assignment you can do in one night. End of semester exam was straight forward and if you attended your tutorials, you would know enough info to pass the exam. That being said, the exam is open book so make use of this opportunity to get a great mark.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
well run subject with a great teaching team, generally quite interesting and well organised. Definitely need to keep on top of the work, especially for the assignment in the first 6 weeks which is A LOT of work, but after that just the quizzes and exam - overall really good!
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
This unit is really well run, interesting content, super enthusiastic tutors in all of the classes as well. Really fun. There is a lot of work, particularly with the Assignment on top of weekly learning and quizzes, so stay on top of everything!