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utbe exam revision

This note covers the contents from week 1 to 11 except from the introductory lecture (W1A). Apart fr...

33 pages, 5718 words

H1 Understanding the Built Environment (ABPL10005) notes

These notes cover all the content for all weeks of ABPL10005: (Week 1 - 10) - Separated into subj...

47 pages, 15294 words

ABPL10005 Notes

Content from week 1 through to 12. Topics include; The Construction Industry, The Building Industry,...

38 pages, 6600 words

Understanding the Built Environment Lecture Mindmaps

For any visual learners out there- this is really helpful. I created these because this subject was...

9 pages, 2773 words

Notes for Understanding the Built Environment

If you want to succeed in this particular subject, and have a great background knowledge of all thin...

41 pages, 5560 words


Includes all notes from lectures in week 1 to 12. Includes images of relevant graphs, tables and ot...

64 pages, 12030 words


$1 per hour

Dean's Honours Master of Architecture and Construction Management from the University of Melbourne,...


Such a great subject, and so far the only in which I actually enjoy going to lectures for. This is widely due to the fast pace, engaging speaking of the lecturer and many guest lecturers coming in to speak about their jobs, which gives a great insight into the industry. The group project is fairly straightforward, but make sure your group is switched on as it is 50% of the grade.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

Overall very insightful subject. Involves guest lecturers from a variety of backgrounds, seniority and companies. Don't underestimate the value of a good group for the main project...

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017