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Authors: David Roy, William Baker, Amy Hamilton
2 weeks agoAuthors: Joanne Ailwood, Wendy Boyd, Maryanne Theobald
2 weeks agoAuthors: Angela M. Potochnik, Cory Wright, Matteo Colombo
2 weeks agoAuthors: Tina Overton, Stuart Johnson, Jon Scott
2 weeks agoAuthors: Keith Skamp, Christine Margaret Preston
2 weeks agoAuthors: McDevitt, Ormrod, Cupit, Chandler, Aloa
2 weeks agoAuthors: Robert J. Hoffnung, Cat Jeffrey Pausé, Rosanne Burton Smith, Alison Hine, Kelvin Seifert, Lynn Ward
2 weeks agoAuthors: Heather McMaster, Michael Charles Mitchelmore
2 weeks agoAuthors: David Thorpe, Antonio Buti, Chris Davies, Paul Jonson
3 weeks agoAuthors: Harold Luntz, David Hambly, Kylie Burns, Joachim Dietrich, Neil Foster, Genevieve Grant, Sirko Harder
3 weeks agoAuthors: Keith Skamp, Christine Margaret Preston
3 weeks agoAuthors: Penelope Serow, Rosemary Callingham, Tracey Muir
3 weeks agoAuthors: Robert Reys, Mary Lindquist, Diana V. Lambdin, Nancy L. Smith, Anna Rogers, Audrey Cooke, Sue Bennett, Bronwyn Ewing, John West
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