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Authors: S Colbran; P Spender; T Penovic
1 week agoAuthors: Tony Attridge, Martine Felice
1 week agoAuthors: David L. Katz, Rachel S. C. Friedman, Sean C. Lucan
1 week agoAuthors: LEXISNEXIS.
1 week agoAuthors: Gino Dal Pont
1 week agoAuthors: Donald R. Rothwell, Tim Stephens
1 week agoAuthors: Lorelle J. Burton
1 week agoAuthors: Bronwyn Parker, KAYE. LOWE, Helen Harper
1 week agoAuthors: R Howie; P Sattler; M Hood
1 week agoAuthors: Hepburn, S; Jackman, B, and Werren, K., Gray, J., Foster, N., Roberts, H. and Jensen, D.
1 week agoAuthors: Melbourne University Law Review Association Inc, Melbourne Journal of International Law Inc
1 week agoAuthors: Keith Skamp, Christine Preston, Contributing Authors
1 week agoAuthors: Jean-Paul Valette, Rebecca Valette
1 week agoAuthors: Thomas Cummings, Christopher Worley
1 week agoAuthors: Rod Campbell, Cameron Ryles, Graham Ryles
2 weeks agoUNE textbooks by subject area: