Strategic Management


For sale by Nikya for $80

Strategic Management


For sale by Sheryl for $80

MM403: Strategic Planning and Management Notes

These notes are a comprehensive summary of MM403 compiled from lectures, lecture notes, and textbook...

49 pages, 21413 words


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The content for this unit is quite interesting and practical for any business degree. However, students more inclined towards quantitative subjects may not find this subject intellectually stimulating. The unit coordinator, Allistair, runs this unit very well, as each topic's resources are well organised, and he responds to questions very quickly, as well as demonstrating a genuine interest in students learning outcomes. The resources provided for this unit are very sufficient - the readings are not excessive, and the lectures are helpful at explaining the content without being excessively long. The assessments are also fair, and plenty of help is provided. They are not too difficult, as they fairly test only the content that is taught each week. Overall, a good and enjoyable unit that is better than other MM subjects.

Anonymous, Trimester 2, 2019