Douglas and Jones's Administrative Law

Roger Douglas, Michael Head, Yee-Fui Ng, Margaret Hyland

For sale by Brooke for $130

Douglas and Jones's Administrative Law

Roger Douglas, Michael Head, Yee-Fui Ng, Margaret Hyland

For sale by Nerissa for $40

Administrative Law

Anne Ardagh

For sale by Nerissa for $20

Administrative Law

Anne Ardagh

For sale by Nerissa for $20

Douglas and Jones's Administrative Law

Roger Douglas, Michael Head, Yee-Fui Ng, Margaret Hyland

For sale by Thomas for $120


Sarah Withnall Howe

For sale by Thomas for $40

Douglas and Jones's Administrative Law

Roger Douglas, Michael Head, Yee-Fui Ng, Margaret Hyland

For sale by Victoria for $40

Douglas and Jones's Administrative Law

Roger Douglas, Michael Head, Yee-Fui Ng, Margaret Hyland

For sale by Anusha for $80


I found these LAW400 notes very helpful and it made both essays and exams go much more smoothly.

61 pages, 23420 words

LAW400 - Admin Law Notes

The notes include a comprehensive outline of all of the topics covered in LAW400. I used these n...

26 pages, 7359 words

Admin Law notes

Very high quality admin law notes, got a great mark. Happy to share.

30 pages, 8000 words


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