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Authors: Jacqueline Ullman
3 weeks agoAuthors: LYNDE TAN, Katina Zammit
3 weeks agoAuthors: Ruth Reynolds
3 weeks agoAuthors: Diana Whitton, Katrina Barker, Jacqueline Humphries, Mary Nosworthy, Catherine Sinclair
3 weeks agoAuthors: Gordon Winch, Rosemary Ross Johnston, Paul March, Lesley Durrell Ljungdahl, Marcelle Holiday
3 weeks agoAuthors: Eleanor Noss Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes, Tim Crowe, Adam Walsh
3 weeks agoAuthors: Gerard J. Tortora, Brendan Burkett, Bryan H. Derrickson, Julie Cooke, Danielle Dye, Tara Diversi, Mark McKean, Rebecca Mellifont, Latika Samalia, Gregory Peoples
3 weeks agoAuthors: Kenneth Saladin
3 weeks agoAuthors: Peter Atrill, E. J. McLaney, David Harvey
3 weeks agoAuthors: Eric J. Simon, Jean L. Dickey, Jane B. Reece
3 weeks agoAuthors: Elaine N. Marieb, Katja Hoehn
3 weeks agoUC textbooks by subject area: