UniMelb Health Tutor Ashley
I'm a UniMelb student studying Health.
Per hour90+
Started uni![Ashley](https://s3.studentvip.com.au/users/2134423-small.jpg?t=1735953752)
Ash was an excellent tutor. His frameworks and knowledge provided me a basis to answer nearly any MMI question. This ability afforded me a comfort and calmness before my interview. Ash was extremely responsive and whenever I would do my own practice he was always there to give me feedback. Overall, his sessions were extremely engaging and productive, and the support and knowledge he provided throughout were instrumental to me achieving an MD position. I would definitely recommend Ashley to anyone looking for a tutor for the MMI.
Nick, StudentVIP member
since July, 2024
Ashley was incredibly helpful in my MMI prep. He was encouraging, helped me build confidence, and was very attentive in giving personalised feedback. This allowed me to build on, and better articulate my own ideas and ways of thinking. I found this to be transferable over a variety of questions. He was also very generous with sharing his time and resources.
Amelie, StudentVIP member
since February, 2022
Ashley was a great teacher for the MMI, without him I absolutely would not have been able to achieve a CSP offer at Unimelb. His tutoring wasn't just rote learning responses but instead focused on developing frameworks for answers that gave me the confidence to approach some of the weirder questions in the MMI. He gave great personalised feedback while still being supportive, and was also highly responsive to any messages I sent outside of tutoring sessions.
Nick, StudentVIP member
since May, 2022
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