Hi, I'm Lauren!

I'm a UniMelb student studying Health.


Per hour


Started uni
Need someone to preliminarily mark your lab report, literature review or provide feedback on and proofread your honours theses discussion? I am a first year PhD candidate at The Florey/University of Melbourne and have published peer reviewed articles, worked as a research assistant for a year and received first class honours who is looking to help you refine your scientific writing. Approximate pricing (will depend on turn around time, length of writing, initial or follow-up feedback): Undergraduate lab report (short): $25 Undergraduate lab report (long): $35 Literature review: $50 Honours thesis (discussion only): $30 Honours thesis (complete): $60 Proofreading/grammar correction only (short): $15 Proofreading/grammar correction only (long): $25-40 Poster presentation: $15
