I'm a UOW student studying IT.


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Started uni
I completed my Bachelor of Computer Science in 2019 with Distinction from UOW and have been working as a Software Engineer for over 3 years now. During my study, I had High Distinction for most of my subjects and was the recipient of the School of EIS Merit Scholarship and Itree Prize for Excellence in Programming. I would be happy to help you with anything that you're struggling with in your CS/IT subjects - from learning concepts, assignments to exam preparation. At my current job, I specialise in web development and have a deep understanding of programming languages/frameworks such as HTML/CSS, TypeScript, React, Kotlin, and Spring. My teaching approach is personalised and tailored to each student's unique learning needs. I provide practical examples and real-world scenarios to help students understand programming concepts in a relatable way. I currently offer lessons through Zoom/Google Meet.


English, Vietnamese


Dalton helped me with introduction to web development. He clearly explained and simplified complex concepts, provided a comfortable learning environment and valuable resources. Dalton was patient, prepared, and passionate. He made learning enjoyable. Highly recommend for anyone diving into web development!

Natasa, StudentVIP member
since May, 2024


Dalton helped me learn CSCI235 and CSCI203, prior to my tutor sessions with him I had failed CSCI235 and really struggled to understand the content. After my tutor sessions with Dalton I passed easily, as I was finally able to understand the subject content! He is extremely patient, friendly and clear with his explanations. Thank you again for your help! (:

Rhianan, StudentVIP member
since April, 2023


Dalton was my tutor for CSCI235, and I can say that Dalton is a really good tutor. He simplifies hard concepts so it is easy to understand. He was able to answer all my questions and make real -life connections to what I was learning, so it was really easy to apply this to the questions given. I approached Dalton, with limited knowledge about CSCI235, he was able to patiently get me through the content without feeling overwhelmed.

Chris, StudentVIP member
since February, 2019

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