Hi, I'm Ibraheem!

I'm a UniMelb student studying Science.


Per hour




Started uni
Proofreading and Tutoring - I'm a 4th year PhD in Cancer Immunology and Biology Tutor at the University of Melbourne. Experienced personal tutor that can give private lessons in any area of Biology and Chemistry. Can give advice about research and writing. I can help with assignments and writing. If you submit your assignment or thesis to me, I can proofread, fix grammar and references and give general advice on scientific writing and the specific scientific content you are writing about. My rates for editing is $40/1000 words. Max of a 3 day turnaround. Since my feedback is very detailed, it is recommended that any assignments are not given to me the night before they are due (this is mainly to avoid overwhelming students!). For proofreading relating to theses/research projects, please contact me for rates. I also have experience teaching large classes as a PhD, as well as individual lessons for both uni and vce students. I am also a casual tutor at the University of Melbourne and The Gene Technology Access Center. I help out with assignments. I approach teaching in a way that engages the student. I first break down any concept to small parts and ensure the student understands each part thoroughly. Once a foundation is established, I continue to more complex details and so on. I always explain as many times as it takes for the student to understand. Big on using metaphors and diagrams and trying to ground concepts to the students reality. I prefer to tutor via Zoom




A very thorough and easy-going tutor, Ibraheem possesses an intimate understanding of immunology and the subtleties that belie this complex subject. He is extremely meticulous in proof-reading assignments and offers invaluable feedback. I received a H1 in my assignment with his amazing assistance!

Johnny, StudentVIP member
since February, 2021


Ibraheem proofread one of my assignments and was awesome, would definitely recommend

Min, StudentVIP member
since May, 2022


Ibraheem is a great biology tutor. He is able to simplify the more difficult concepts into simpler ideas that are easier to comprehend and provides the much-needed support that you need on lecture material. I could not recommend him enough!

Oscar, StudentVIP member
since February, 2022

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