Foundations Of Statistics
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View all Sta10003 notesFinal Exam Condensed Notes (single double sided)
STA10003 Length: 2 pages (1 double sided) Exceptional organisation (including colour coding) Con...
2 pages, 2364 words
STA10003 - Foundations Of Statistics Double-Sided Exam Cheat Sheet (Ready-To-Print!)
Well-designed STA10003 'Cheat Sheet', which is double-sided and ready-to-print and colour code for e...
2 pages, 1000 words
Exam Cheat Sheet
Double sided A4 STA10003 - Foundation of Statistics notes for the exam. NB: This is a cheat sheet...
2 pages, 1620 words
Foundation of Statistics
Very popular and helpful cheat sheet for Foundation of Statistics exam. Thank you for your purchase.
2 pages, 2192 words
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Hi, I'm Nicole! I am recently graduated from Swinburne, Hawthorn, gaining a Bachelor of Health Scien...
They taught me how to do the computations but there was no concept behind the formulas. So it was a rather clunky and disordered subject.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
Not bad, but the text and tutorials really don't got into the concepts behind the formulas, was really more about, what this abbreviation means, where to find this number and is it significant or not. This a failure of the subject imo - though it means you can mindlessly pass this subject. I have also done Stats for Business and found it much better.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
Great unit and easy concepts to understand! Lots of weekly tasks to complete (topic tests, textbook exercises, interactive room etc.) but assignments are pretty straightforward.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
some tutors weren't great but super achievable to do well if you just put in a few hours a week and go to all of your classes
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
Fun subject, just need to do the weekly work!
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015
Oddly, I have never enjoyed a unit more than stats. This unit is fantastic!
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017
the lectures were alright - however the tutorials were great because they allowed for a more interactive method of learning the basics.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016
Absolutely love statistics units!
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015
This subject is an essential subject for anyone in the science or medical field. It introduces logical and statistical reasoning which is imperative for scientists to perform research and test hypotheses. It introduces SPSS statistics to the student, which is used for data entry and hypothesis testing. The weekly lectures are thorough, and the tutorials cover the information provided in lectures under a practical learning environment. The textbook, however, needs some improvement.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
never thought I would enjoy math so much.