655 Architecture & building subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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ABPL20028 Uni. of Melbourne

Learning the design style and theories from the masters and applying them into your own design proje...

10 years ago

ABPL90169 Uni. of Melbourne

Overall structure is similar to Master of Architecture Studio C, D, E, but the projects are more th...

10 years ago

ABPL20030 Uni. of Melbourne

Histories of architecture of different ethnicity including Europe, East Asia, Egypt, Maya. Lectures...

10 years ago

ABPL20027 Uni. of Melbourne

a good taste of architectural design for starter. The design project has reasonable scope and diffic...

10 years ago

ABPL30037 Uni. of Melbourne

Generally well structured subject. Learning experience could be different from different tutors. The...

10 years ago

ABPL20033 Uni. of Melbourne

good starting point on learning material and structure. However the lecture content is not well rela...

10 years ago

ABPL90142 Uni. of Melbourne

Every master of architecture student at Melbourne uni needs to do Master of Architecture Studio C, D...

10 years ago

ABPL90143 Uni. of Melbourne

Every master of architecture student at Melbourne uni needs to do Master of Architecture Studio C, D...

10 years ago

ABPL90115 Uni. of Melbourne

Every master of architecture student at Melbourne uni needs to do Master of Architecture Studio C, D...

10 years ago

KDA322 Uni. of Tasmania

Very dry, but necessary subjects covered in this class. Hard to concentrate. But the lecturers are w...

10 years ago

KDA321 Uni. of Tasmania

Interesting subject, yet needs clearer direction - time organisation and suitable notice lecturer ca...

10 years ago

KDA323 Uni. of Tasmania

Great lecturer - makes this topic really enjoyable. More indepth tutes and more tute time is needed...

10 years ago

ABPL20027 Uni. of Melbourne

It is not a bad subject. It is difficult to grasp the concept of below ground, above ground and plan...

10 years ago

ENVS10003 Uni. of Melbourne

A lot of work to complete for the semester, but it is actually an easy subject, that is very rewardi...

10 years ago

ABPL20035 Uni. of Melbourne

Lectures were suburb. It was a very organised subject. Guest lectures (people who work in the planni...

10 years ago


Extremely challenging for first semester as it is a whole new language of study.Be prepared for some...

10 years ago


Tutors are helpful and lectures are knowledgeable. But lectures can be dull sometimes mainly because...

10 years ago


Hands on approach to understand how building performs by model making . Tutors are vary helpful too....

10 years ago

BDES1010 Uni. of Sydney

I had Studio 101 back in 2013 when it was not yet integrated with Communications, the introduction i...

10 years ago

BDES1011 Uni. of Sydney

Coming from a fresh-from-high-school perspective, History/Theory is the easiest subject this semeste...

10 years ago


it's a unique and good subject for building economic foundation

10 years ago

ABPL20037 Uni. of Melbourne

Urban Design Studies is a poorly organised subject. Assignments were unclear and instructions we...

10 years ago

IDES2000 The Uni. of Western Australia

A very interesting unit involving the design of multiple components throughout the semester in diffe...

10 years ago


It was a great subject. If you attend the lectures and pay attention, there is no reason not to do w...

10 years ago

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