SCU Business Textbooks
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- 789 Business textbooks at SCU
The latest second hand business textbooks listed at SCU:
Authors: Mark Bray, Rae Cooper, Peter Arnold Waring, Johanna Macneil
7 years agoAuthors: Brendan J. Sweeney, Jennifer N. O'Reilly, Andrew Coleman
7 years agoAuthors: Considine, Brett
7 years agoAuthors: Considine, Brett
7 years agoAuthors: Robyn Moroney, Fiona Margaret Campbell, Jane Maree Hamilton
8 years agoAuthors: Gerry Johnson, Richard Whittington, Kevan Scholes, Patrick Regnèr, Duncan Angwin
8 years agoAuthors: Lindgren, K E
8 years agoAuthors: Philip Kotler, John T. Bowen, James C. Makens
8 years agoAuthors: Cavusgil, S. Tamer et al
8 years agoAuthors: Andrew Lockwood, Peter Alcott, Ioannis Pantelidis
8 years agoAuthors: Brendan J. Sweeney, Jennifer N. O'Reilly, Andrew Coleman
9 years agoAuthors: Stephen Barkoczy
10 years agoAuthors: Romney, Marshall & Steinbart, Paul
10 years agoAuthors: Horngren, CT, Foster, G, Datar, S, Rajan, MV, Ittner, C, Wynder, M, Maquire, W & Tan, R
10 years agoAuthors: Black Asafu-Adjaye Khan Perera Edwards Harris
11 years agoAuthors: Clawson Hubbard Rice Beamish Potter
11 years agoSCU textbooks by subject area: