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$50 per hour

Hi, my name is Jason. I am a graduated QUT bachelor of IT (Computer Science) with minor Network Secu...


$35 per hour

Studied Bachelor of Information Technology, majored in Computer Science,


$60 per hour

Do you find it difficult to understand your IT subjects? Do you feel lost with your coding assignme...


This unit is the starting point you learn OOP. And OOP concepts are very important in programming.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018

While the teaching of how to code in C# was done very well, it lacked in teaching the proper foundations of Object Oriented Programming. Some students that did this subject at the same time as me got vastly different grades for similar-ish assignments. They didn't seem to all agree on what OOP looked like for the main assignment, which dragged the experience down.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

This subject is an introduction to the processes and logic involved with Object Orientated Programming. Useful for applications and further development, your work with C# will take place over the course of the semester through the form of Assignments and weekly assessable tasks. These assignments, while not particularly difficult, require immense commitment of time and effort to complete, as well as a competent understanding of the topic covered throughout the semester.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

Very enjoyable course, weekly exercises got you to think outside the box. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming, using C#. Explains it well and helps build on your understanding week by week. You end up building a fun project at the end (My cohort's was a tank battle game)

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017