
Through these notes, I achieved a mark of 90. Given the unit has no textbook and lecture slides lack a description of their concepts, these notes are a good alternative. I am selling my notes for FINA3324 Investment Analysis from Sem 1, 2016. These notes summarise ALL lecture slides including important lecture concepts, articles, examples, diagrams, etc. that may come up in the final exam. I also have a more concise set of notes for a cheaper price that covers concepts purely (25 pages in length) - also a good alternative. One of the most comprehensive notes you'll find. These notes summarises each topic to DETAIL in an easy to follow format (all notes are written in detailed dot points rather than lengthy and hard to follow paragraphs). It incapsulates all important materials from lectures into one easy to follow, and easy to read document. So basically, ALL you need to know for the unit to achieve a HD in one document. Week 1: Investment Analysis Week 2: Price as a Function of Risk and Expected Return Week 3: Fixed Income Securities Week 4: Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) – Portfolio Theory: hedging your bets – foundation of finance Week 5: Behavioural Finance Week 6: Market Efficiency Week 7: Economy & Industry Analysis Week 8: Fundamental Analysis – Firm Level Week 9: GFC Week 10: options: Financial & Real Week 11: Derivatives Systematic Risk Week 12: Portfolio Performance Evaluation Week 13 Review


Semester 1, 2016

119 pages

25,879 words



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