Constitutional Law Notes
Subject notes for UNE LAW220
These extensive summaries consist of all the topics covered in LAW220 as well as the significant cases Topics include: 1: Introduction Key Constitutional concepts, sources and documents 2: The executive and executive power 3: Legislature and Legislative power 4: Corporations power 5: External Affairs Power 6:Finance Powers 7: Restraint of Chpt III Judicial power 8: Restraint of Implied Freedom of Political Communication 9: Restraint of the inconsistency of s109 10; Restraint of intergovernmental immunities These notes are fairly lengthy as can be seen from the word count, yet this subject is extremely extensive and the notes act as an attempted summary
Trimester 3, 2015
112 pages
49,226 words
UNE, Armidale
Member since
June 2015
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