LAWS5001 & LAWS1012_Torts_Distinction Notes with Class Notes, Case Summary, and Mind Map
Subject notes for USYD LAWS5001
Torts is a challenging subject, especially for first-year law students, as the development of legal principles can be complex and confusing. This set of notes provides a clear and structured approach to understanding tort law by outlining how key principles have evolved and how common law interacts with statute. It includes detailed case summaries, statutory interpretation, principle developments, and mind maps, offering a step-by-step guide to solving problem questions effectively. It also has a detailed table of contents with interactive links, allowing you to easily navigate to each page. I dedicated my entire winter break to conducting in-depth case research and compiling these notes. I hope this resource will be valuable to other students, making torts more accessible and easier to navigate.
Semester 1, 2024
222 pages
75,447 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
November 2021
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