81 (Distinction) | FINAL EXAM CHEAT SHEET | PSYU3349 (Design & Statistics III)
Subject notes for Macq. PSYU3349
I received a mark of 81 (D) for the overall unit: 94 (HD) for the weekly quizzes, 80 (D) for the mid-session exam, and an 86 (HD) for the practical project. This cheat sheet can be used throughout the unit for other assessments in addition to the final exam. PSYU3349 (Design & Statistics III) - FINAL EXAM CHEAT SHEET 3RD YEAR DESIGN & STATISTICS - This final exam cheat sheet is categorized and ordered into weekly unit content. It is detailed with all necessary information for the exam. Important information is bolded/italicized to make searching more efficient. Also includes STATA commands, Stata example output, helpful tables and diagrams for specific questions, equations, definitions, important terms, interpretation, and more. WEEKS COVERED IN CHEAT SHEET = WEEK 1: MLR WEEK 2: ANOVA by REGRESSION (I) WEEK 3: ANOVA by REGRESSION (II) WEEK 4: ANCOVA WEEK 5: CURVILINEAR REGRESSION WEEK 6: BADLY BEHAVED DATA WEEK 7: MODEL REDUCTION WEEK 8: CATEGORICAL DATA & LOGISTIC REGRESSION (I) WEEK 9: CATEGORICAL DATA & LOGISTIC REGRESSION (II) WEEK 10: PAIRED T-TESTS & REPEATED MEASURES WEEK 11: REPEATED MEASURES (I) WEEK 12: REPEATED MEASURES (II) & MIXED DESIGNS
Semester 1, 2023
4 pages
4,282 words
Macq., North Ryde
Member since
February 2020