LAWS1022 Criminal Laws Full Course Notes (HD mark) - Includes Exam Step Format
Subject notes for UNSW laws1022
I achieved a HD with these full course notes. They include all theoretical content for the essay component + all offence elements/steps for the problem question. I hope these notes help :) They are comprehensive and include all topics studied, including: - Assault (common assault, aggravated assault) - Homicide (murder, constructive murder, manslaughter, homicide by omission, assault causing death, supply of drugs causing death) - Defences (mental health and cognitive impairment, substantial impairment, intoxication, self-defence, excessive self-defence, extreme provocation) - Dishonest acquisition (dishonesty and fraud, larceny) - Group crime (complicity - JCE; EJCE; accessorial liability, conspiracy) - Revision content
Term 2, 2024
53 pages
27,286 words
UNSW, Kensington
Member since
February 2022