
50 pages of comprehensive Property Law notes, including the exact template phrasing I used in hypotheticals/exams to score 86. Contents: 1. Hypothetical answer structure 2. What is the property interest? - Non-proprietary interests: licences - Freehold estates - Legal possession/adverse possession - Leases - Co-ownership - Security interests * Mortgages * Charge * Lien - Easements - Profit a prendre - Options - Mere equity 3. Acquiring property interests - Consensual legal transactions: formalities - Adverse possession - Native title * Establishing Native Title * Extinguishment of native title * Compensation - Acquiring equitable interests * Written agreement; s126 Instrument Act * Specifically enforceable contracts * Part performance 31 * Proprietary estoppel 33 4. Priority disputes - Registered vs registered - Registered vs unregistered - Prior unregistered vs subsequent registered interest * Indefeasibility * Exceptions to indefeasibility - Unregistered vs registered - Unregistered vs unregistered interests - Mere equity vs sub equitable interest - Caveat regime


Semester 1, 2024

50 pages

16,617 words



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