
LAW2112 Comprehensive, 26-page, colour-coded exam template notes! - Organised into easy-to-navigate sections with subheadings, these notes provide brief case analogies for quick reference and real exam examples (in brackets) to help you correlate facts effortlessly. - Received a HD with these notes! Very concise and thorough for the final exam. - HAS ALL NOTES - GOOD FOR FINAL EXAM AND ASSIGNMENT Topics: Introduction to Property Law Doctrine of Fixtures (Real / Personal Property) Doctrine of Tenure & Estates Finding (Possession of Personal Property) Adverse Possession (Possession of Real Property) Transfer/Sale of Land Lease Gifts of Real and Personal Property Legal or Equitable Lease Types & Breach of Leasehold Covenants Assigning Leasehold Covenants Licences Easements Restrictive Covenants Mortgages


Semester 1, 2024

26 pages

15,909 words



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