CHEM10006 Chemistry for Biomedicine FULL NOTES
Subject notes for UniMelb CHEM10006
Ultimate notes for Chemistry for Biomedicine! - Contains content from CHEM10006 in depth - Includes contents and page numbers for easy navigation Topics include: - Kinematice - Integrated rate law - Reaction mechanisms - Enthalpy - Entropy - Equilibrium - Acids and Bases - Acid-Base Strength - Organic Molecules - Cycloalkanes - Steroisomerism - Stereoisomerism II - Alkenes & Alkynes - Aromatic Compounds - Reactions - Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions - Elimination Reactions - Electrophilic Addition Reactions - Carbonyl Group Reactions - Carboxylic Acid Derivatives - Carbohydrates - Amino Acids - Nucleic Acids - Molecular Structure - Solubility - Oxygen & Sulphur - Nitrogen and Phosphorous - Redox - Solubility - Transition Metals - Coordination Compounds - Proteins - Iron & Blood - Zinc and Plastocein
Semester 1, 2023
83 pages
20,817 words
UniMelb, Parkville
Member since
February 2022
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