HD Notes - Exhaustive Course Notes (Long-Form and Short-Form Condensed for Final)
Subject notes for UNSW LAWS1075
These notes cover the entirety of the Contracts (LAWS1075) course in long-form (Part I of the Notes) and provide the post-mid term content in hyper-condensed form for quick reference in timed final exams (Part II of the Notes). Notes of importance for exams are included across the document. The long-form Part of the notes includes a case brief for all major cases which in turn include explanatory highlights. Extracts of all relevant legislation are included and where relevant, colour coded. Signposted exams tips are included. This Part is most useful for revision for class participation and long-release assessment. The short-form Part of the notes hyper-condenses the post-mid term content for the Final Examination. It includes all relevant principles, case ratios and is cited by short-hand. The topics covered are Express Terms & Incorporation; Construction; Exclusion Clauses; Implied Terms; Termination; All ACL Content, Contracts Review Act (Unjust Contract Terms); Damages; Doctrine of Frustration; All Vitiating Factors (including Statutory Vitiating Factors). A redacted sample of both Parts is provided
Term 3, 2023
148 pages
90,000 words
UNSW, Kensington
Member since
August 2020