
Comprehensive and well-organised note based on lectures, tutorials and textbook. Materials covered for W1~W7 as from W8, most of the contents are theories which you can easily understand by only looking at the lecture slides. Note consists of 75 pages and is very detailed. I can guarantee that you will never regret the purchase and can also easily get HD with this note. All my colleagues used my note and got at least Distinction :) I have posted quite cheap considering the length of the note and all my effort and time spent on this note. Wish you all the best and hope you guys all get HDs with my note. The contents are as follow: W1 Course overview an Introduction to Corporate Finance W2 A modern financial system W3 Basic financial mathematics and valuation W4 Valuing bonds W5 Valuation of shares W6 Capital Budgeting – 1 (Net Present Value and Other Investment Criteria) W7 Capital Budgeting 2 (Making investment decisions with NPV rule)


Semester 2, 2024

50 pages

10,716 words



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