
RCD exam notes, covering ALL topics, colour coded, including key cases and legislation. Analysis of past papers feedback and preparation of various possible essay topics are also included. Saves you a lot of time of dealing with long readings and huge amount of legislation and putting everything together. Super useful and has everything you need in a 2 hour-timed in-person exam! All topics including: -ADR -Standing & Joining Parties -Res judicata & Joinder causes of action -Representative actions -Cost Orders -Security for cost -Incentive to settle -Freezing order & search order -Client legal privilege -Pleadings -Service -Case management -Discovery -Subpoena -Implied Undertaking -Witness Preparation; Affidavits -Summary disposal -Enforcement & execution of Judgement -Essay topics notes -Past paper guide


Term 1, 2024

83 pages

47,270 words



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