
These are my completed set of exam scaffolds which I used for the final and mid sem exams for private international law. Even though these are scaffolds, they are extremely thorough with over 24,000 words. You will find all the relevant cases and legislation references you need to get a Distinction!! NB: These notes are ordered in the way you answer a problem question (not the way the course is tort choice of law is before personal jurisdiction) TOPICS INCLUDED ARE 1. Intro to private international law 2. Personal jurisdiction 3. Discretion not to exercise jurisdiction: foreign jurisdiction clause 4. Discretion not to exercise jurisdiction: clearly inappropriate forum 5. Anti-suit injunctions 6. General applicable law characterisation, substance, procedure 7. Proof of foreign law 8. Exclusionary doctrines 9. Choice of law in tort 10. Choice of law in contract 11. Mandatory forum statutes 12. Enforcement 13. Statutory registration of foreign judgments Goodluck!


Semester 1, 2024

47 pages

24,543 words


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February 2019