**89-HD LAWS2015/5015 Equity Notes PERFECT for EXAM**
Subject notes for USYD LAWS2015
**Get these PERFECT notes that cover everything you need for your classes and exams. The notes contain all the cases in this course with facts in detail and all the takeaways. It delivers in-depth coverage across all topics, presenting an easily navigable resource for both classes and exams. The content is thoughtfully highlighted, ensuring essential points are easily discernible. **Topics covered: 1. The History and Nature of Equity 2. Breach of Confidence; Equitable Estoppel 3. Specific Performance; Injunctions; Lord Cairns' Act Damages 4. Trusts 5. Operation of Express Trusts 6. Fiduciary Obligations 7. Resulting Trusts [Automatic; Presumed; Resulting Trusts and Illegality; Quistclose Trusts] 8. Constructive Trusts 9. Tracing 10. Charitable Trusts
Semester 2, 2024
137 pages
69,404 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
September 2021
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