Media Law - H1 - Hypo Notes, Case Notes and Essay Advice
Subject notes for UniMelb LAWS50096
My notes are centred around answering the defamation hypothetical on the exam with some additional information and brainstorming idea for the essay. Jason Bosland was my prof when I took media. See preview for table of contents of all topics covered. There is: - a table of contents - approaches and overviews for how to tackle the exam - covers the new s29A defence and a bit on the new Russel case - has a section on some essay advice and questions to get you postulating on some essay topics - relevant case facts and outcomes are put in the section where it is relevant to the section and also larger case summaries at the end - cases and statutory sections are cited throughout and I always try to put them in red so its easy to find when on an exam to cite sources properly. - things are generally colour coded and there are tables as well to help with digestion of information - includes notes on how to draft your imputations, although to be honest once you're in the exam you don't really have time to read through these kinds of things. You either know how to draft them at that point or you don't.
Semester 2, 2023
52 pages
19,912 words
Monash, Clayton
Member since
October 2021
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