
State legislative power (SLP) • Limitations on SLP • Referral of powers to the Commonwealth • Restrictive procedures (RP) Constitutional method: interpretation, characterisation, and invalidity • Step 1 – Commonwealth legislative powers (CLP) • Step 2 – Constitutional interpretation (CI) • Step 3 – Characterisation • Invalidity Corporations power (CP) External affairs power (EAP) Federal executive power (FEP) (spending and grant powers) Separation of judicial power (SOJP) Institutional integrity (II) of the courts Inconsistency Intergovernmental immunities (IGI) • State immunity from Cth laws • Commonwealth immunity from State laws Implied freedom of political communication (IFOPC) Freedom of interstate trade and commerce (FITC)


Semester 1, 2024

38 pages

14,158 words


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