
High quality notes! Struggling to keep up with the workload in IBUS1101? Looking for a way to make studying more efficient and less overwhelming? These notes are exactly what you need! I've meticulously compiled all the essential information from readings, lectures, and tutorials into one easy-to-read document. These notes are designed to simplify complex concepts and save you hours of study time. ✓ Concise and to the point ✓ Systematically organized ✓ Comprehensive coverage of all course materials TOPICS COVERED - Week 1: Introduction to International Business - Week 2: Distance - Week 3: National Culture - Week 4: Foreign Trade - Week 5: Political Risks and Nonmarket Strategies - Week 6: The need for global Strategy - Week 7: Global Strategy - Week 8: Creating Multinational Firms - Week 9: Entering Foreign Markets - Week 10: Organizing Multinational Firms - Week 11: Transnational Challenge


Semester 2, 2021

39 pages

17,069 words


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USYD, Camperdown/Darlington

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August 2022