
These notes comprehensively cover the entire ACCT6001 unit, which contributed to achieving an impressive score of over 80 marks. The content is meticulously organised and spans all 12 weeks of the unit, ensuring thorough preparation and understanding of the subject matter. 1. Australian Financial Reporting Environment 2. PPE 3. Intangible Assets 4. Leases 5. Provisions and Contingent Liabilities 6. Income Taxes 7. Revenue 8. Financial Instruments 9. Income Measurement Politics 10. Choice of Accounting Methods; Ethics 11. Equity-Preference Shares & Compound Financial Instruments 12. Extractive Industries At the end of each topic, the notes include guides for journal entries, making the content easier to understand and providing valuable reference material for homework to develop good journal entry techniques.


Semester 2, 2023

65 pages

15,253 words


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USYD, Camperdown/Darlington

Member since

February 2023

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