
These notes are your ticket to a high HD! Being extremely comprehensive, these notes encompass information from both the lectures and textbook. The notes are organised by week, with titles, learning outcomes, and topics all outlined for you. This way you'll know what you're learning and why instead of cramming and praying you remember everything. I added a bonus table breakdown of themes 1 and 2 to help with consolidation and differentiation as this theme can get quite specific! Topics include: Theme 1 (weeks 1-3) Mechanisms of disease Theme 2 (weeks 4-5) Immunopathology Theme 3 (week 6) Abnormal cell growth Theme 4 (week 7) Abnormalities in metabolism Theme 5 (week 8 and 9) Abnormalities in blood and circulation Theme 6 (week 10 and 11) Infection


Semester 1, 2024

83 pages

25,593 words



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Monash, Clayton

Member since

June 2022