
These scaffolds were made in 2023 and contain all the latest readings and cases. These scaffolds were used for mid-sem and final examinations and have been created to contain everything you need for problem questions. They are clear, easy to understand, in a step, by step format which allow you to solve any problem question. EACH TOPIC HAS 1. Summary Scaffold (The main overriding questions to ask) 2. A Intro sentence which states what the general topic is about 3. Proper Scaffold with references (in Blue) Tips from the lecturer Topics Topic 1: Introduction to Criminal Procedure Topic 2: Police Powers and Discretion Topic 3: Bail Topic 4: Pre-Trial Processes and Appeals Topic 5: Sentencing and Punishment Topic 6: Process, Open Justice and Fairness, Adversarial System of Justice, Case Management Alternative Dispute Resolution, Costs and Ethics Topic 7: Matters Preceding Litigation and Commencing Proceedings Topic 8: Pleadings and Particulars, Gathering Evidence in Civil Cases Topic 9: Opposing Disclosure - Objecting to Production and/or Access: Privilege Topic 10: Trials and Class Actions [Final Note] These notes have been refined after each exam and are the perfect preparation and examination material to (1) learn the material taught in class (2) perform your best in the (in-person hand written examinations :).) Best of luck!


Semester 1, 2023

82 pages

28,632 words



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