
HD Corporations Law exam notes with guiding steps and sentence starters. Topics covered: Types of Companies Incorporation and its effects Separate legal identity Internal Governance Rules (Replaceable Rules and Constitution) Corporate contracting Share Capital, Debt Capital and Dividends (Companies Power to Issue Shares, Class Rights, Reducing Share Capital, Share Buy Backs, Financial Assistance for the Purpose of Company Shares, Dividends, Debt Capital) Division of Power between Board of Directors and Members in GM (The Board of Directors, Power of Shareholders) Director Duties (Duty to Act in Good Faith and Company’s Best Interest, Duty to Act for a Proper Purpose, Duty to Retain / Fetter Discretion, Duty to Avoid Conflicts of Interest (Including No Profits Rule), Duty to Avoid Related Party Transactions (Public Companies Only), Duty to Act with Skill, Care and Diligence) Remedies for breach of common law director duties Relief from liability Members Remedies (Statutory Derivative Action , Oppressive or Unfair Conduct, Winding Up Orders, Statutory Injunctions, Members Personal Actions and Personal Rights to Sue) Corporate mortality


Semester 1, 2022

53 pages

37,004 words



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