
``` These comprehensive notes were all I needed to score a HD in Property. They have everything you will need to write HD answers to questions on the key topics in the subject such as Adverse Possession, Native Title, Real and Equitable Property, Easements, Restrictive Covenants, Mortgages and the other core areas of this tricky subject. These notes cover: - 1 CONCEPT & CATEGORIES OF PROPERTY - 2 PERSONAL PROPERTY, POSSESSION & FIXTURES - 3 ADVERSE POSSESSION - 4 DOCTRINE OF TENURE - 5 NATIVE TITLE - 6 FREEHOLD ESTATES - 7 LEASES - 8 EQUITABLE PROPERTY - 9 EASEMENTS - 10 RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS OVER LAND - 11 MORTGAGES


Trimester 1, 2023

161 pages

72,570 words



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Deakin, Melbourne Burwood

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March 2020