
These are my fully comprehensive detailed notes for MLL424 Administrative Law (Revised for 2024). This is all I used for the exam. I have spent countless hours compiling these notes. My mark was 91 HD for the subject. I scored 89% in the exam using only these notes. These notes are comprehensive and integrate everything learnt in the subject, including the prescribed readings from the textbook, lecture notes, tutorial answers, case summaries, etc. These notes cover the following topics: 1 INTRODUCTION TO ADMINISTRATIVE LAW 2 SOURCES AND ELIGIBILITY OF JUDICIAL REVIEW 3 GROUNDS OF REVIEW: INTRO AND PROCEDURAL FAIRNESS 4 GROUNDS OF REVIEW: ERROR IN DETERMINING THE SCOPE OF POWER 5 GROUNDS OF REVIEW: IMPROPER EXERCISE OF POWER 6 CONSEQUENCES OF UNLAWFUL ACTIONS 7 JURISDICTIONAL ERROR 8 ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALS & MERITS REVIEW 9 OMBUDSMAN & INFORMATION DISCLOSURE Hope these comprehensive notes help you smash Administrative Law!


Trimester 3, 2022

108 pages

26,478 words



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