
Comprehensive and detailed exam notes with script, compiled from lectures, readings and tutorials. Notes are detailed enough to allow for easy understanding while still being succinct in order to allow for quick navigation in an exam setting. The script is designed for minimal stress and thinking on your feet while in the exam, by: - Providing introductory sentence structures - Including dot points with different case and fact examples, as well as scenarios dealt with in tutorials - Background information where required & relevant tests/questions to ask! Topics include: - Breach of confidence (often the topic for the midsem assignment if you're buying these notes early enough!) - Breach of fiduciary duty (+ third party liability) - Personal Remedies (account of profits, equitable compensation, election, SP, injunction + specific delivery, Lord Cairns Act damages, equitable recession, declaration, equitable remedies etc.) - Defences to remedies in equity - Assignments of property ***I'm silly and forgot to change my cover page for these notes when I made them — I completely equity in 2021 (not 2020 lol)**** NB: There is a case summary table at the end of the notes, but this doesn't contain all of the units cases! Ended up finding with this unit that it was much better to include the relevant cases within the notes themselves, meaning I did give up on preparing the separate table half way haha! You could always finish off the table if you think it would be helpful :) See table of contents to see which cases have the full summaries !


Semester 1, 2021

68 pages

15,000 words



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