CHEM1011 Full Notes - HD
Subject notes for USYD CHEM1011
Full comprehensive CHEM1011 notes including detailed hand-drawn diagrams (scored a HD in the subject). Topics covered from all weeks are: 1. Elements and Atoms 2. Elements, atoms, molecules and ions 3. Bonding, chemical Equations & Stoichiometry 4. Limiting Reagents & Yield, Solutions, the Periodic Table 5. Electron Configuration, Lewis Structures & Resonance & Formal charge & introduction to Organic Chemistry 7. Isomers, Chirality & Optical Activity 8. Thermodynamics 9. Thermodynamics & Equilibrium 10. Equilibrium 11. Acids & Bases + Buffers 12. Acid/base properties of organic molecules 13. Carbonyl containing compounds and polymers
Semester 1, 2022
76 pages
15,000 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
February 2020
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