
This initially started off as exam notes, but I thought that given how complicated and messy the UoM Property Law course was, I decided to develop it into a complete course guide for students in the order you would use for an exam. You won’t even need to spend $200 on textbooks! Sectioned by topic groups, and then individual topics. Relevant legislation in every topic so no need to cross-reference multiple documents. Exam hypotheticals at the end too. Is it a property interest - Possession - Adverse possession - Tenure and estates - Leasehold estates - Securities - Future interests - Native Title - Easements - Profits - Options - Mining interests How does the interest arise - legal - Torrens registration (new system) - Adverse possession & easements - Parol leases - Conveyance by deed (old system) How does the interest arise - equity - Specific performance - Part performance - Trusts - Estoppel - Mere equity Torrens indefeasibility & exceptions - Verification - Fraud - in personam - Volunteers - Tenants in possession - Adverse possession Priorties - Old law - overview - New - registered v registered - New - registered v unregistered - New - unregistered v registered - Unregistered v unregistered - Prior mere equity v unregistered - Caveats Hypothetical structures


Semester 1, 2023

289 pages

99,551 words



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