
These outstanding BUSS1030 notes are the result of meticulous crafting from tutorials, lectures, and textbooks—prioritizing key information for fortnightly quizzes. These notes guarantee support for your HD score in closed-book final and mid-semester exams. Furthermore, they are your invaluable companion during open-book fortnightly quizzes, allowing easy access to relevant content with a simple "ctrl F" search. Enriched with extra notes and tips for deeper understanding, they empower your success in BUSS1030, serving as your indispensable companion. Topics covered: W1. Intro to accounting W2. The accounting system W3. Business Planning W4. Budgeting W6. The accounting system: concepts and applications W7. Internal control managing and reporting working capital W8. Income Statement W9. Balance Sheet W10. Cash Flow Statement W11. Short term planning W12: Trends and Issues in Accounting


Semester 1, 2023

62 pages

12,968 words



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USYD, Camperdown/Darlington

Member since

November 2022