HD BUSS1030 Notes
Subject notes for USYD BUSS1030
These outstanding BUSS1030 notes are the result of meticulous crafting from tutorials, lectures, and textbooks—prioritizing key information for fortnightly quizzes. These notes guarantee support for your HD score in closed-book final and mid-semester exams. Furthermore, they are your invaluable companion during open-book fortnightly quizzes, allowing easy access to relevant content with a simple "ctrl F" search. Enriched with extra notes and tips for deeper understanding, they empower your success in BUSS1030, serving as your indispensable companion. Topics covered: W1. Intro to accounting W2. The accounting system W3. Business Planning W4. Budgeting W6. The accounting system: concepts and applications W7. Internal control managing and reporting working capital W8. Income Statement W9. Balance Sheet W10. Cash Flow Statement W11. Short term planning W12: Trends and Issues in Accounting
Semester 1, 2023
62 pages
12,968 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
November 2022