
Excellent, super detailed course notes and scaffolds prepared by a HD student (1st place in mid-semester assignment)!!! Perfect and very useful for final exam revision!! Topics 1) Introduction, distribution of powers in a federation, principles of constitutional interpretation and characterisation; trade and commerce power (s 51(i)) as case study 2) Inconsistency (s 109) 3) External Affairs (s 51(xxix)) 4) Corporations (s 51(xx)) 5) Freedom of Interstate Trade (s 92) 6) Taxation (+Excise) (ss 51(ii), 55, 90) 7) Grants (s 96) 8) Defence (s 51(vi)) and the Doctrine in the Communist Party Case 9) Implied Freedom of Political Communication 10) Express Rights (s 116 as a case study). 11) Intergovernmental Immunities 12) “Race” (s 51(xxvi))


Semester 1, 2023

266 pages

150,000 words



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