
HD summary/exam contract law notes INCORPORATION OF TERMS: 1. Incorporation of express terms 2. Pre-contractual statement & parol evidence rule. 3. Contractual interpretation (general rule & situations of ambiguity). 4. Implied terms (implied by fact, law, trade custom). 5. Implied term of good faith (wide discretionary powers). TERMINATION: 1. Contingent conditions. 2. Classifying terms (condition, intermediate term, warranty). 3. Termination for repudiation. 4. Electing to affirm or terminate the contract. 5. Frustration. CLAIMS & REMEDIES: 1. Debt (contract price) claims. 2. Damages. 3. Penalties doctrine (agreed remedies). VITATING FACTORS: 1. Mistake (common & unilateral mistake). 2. Misrepresentation. 3. Rectification. 4. ACL misleading or deceptive conduct. 5. ACL unfair contract terms. 6. ACL consumer guarantees.


Semester 1, 2022

40 pages

19,029 words



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