★ LAWS3437 ICA Consolidated Notes (HD) - ALL YOU NEED FOR THIS UNIT!★
Subject notes for USYD LAWS3437
This consolidated note includes all the course content, including summarised case law, legislation and reading notes. Legislative provisions and case names are highlighted in brown, while the texts that are coded in pink/red signify the important and key principles. Topics include: - Introduction - The Law Governing Arbitration and the Role of the Seat - The Arbitration Agreement - Constitution of the Tribunal and Contesting Jurisdiction - Arbitral Proceedings - Interim Measures - Confidentiality and Privilege - Awards, Interests, Cost and Appeals - Challenges, Recognition and Enforcement - Investment Treaty Arbitration (ISDS) - Hybrids and Innovations - Minimising Costs and Delays - Drafting Arbitration Clauses and other Innovations - New Frontiers in International Arbitration
Semester 2, 2022
85 pages
77,945 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
March 2018