GOVT2111 Human Rights and Australian Politics Complete Reading Notes - Distinction (77)
Subject notes for USYD GOVT2111
This is a comprehensive yet concise set of reading notes which will allow you to excel in the unit. It covers in detail the entire course and all the weeks, including but not limited to: - Introduction to Human Rights and Australian Politics - Political and Civil Rights - Social and Economic Rights - Electoral Rights and Human Rights in Australia - Reform of the Human Rights System in Australia - LGBTI Rights in Australia - Terrorism and Human Rights in Australia - ATSI Rights in Australia - Women Rights - Migrant Rights - Refugee Rights - Disability Rights I completed the unit with a D mark of 77 and used only this set of notes.
Semester 1, 2020
91 pages
47,005 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
March 2016
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